API In Laravel: Understanding And Building API In Laravel

API In Laravel: Understanding And Building API In Laravel

What Is An API?

API in programming means Application Programming Interface. An API serves as an intermediary and it allows for communication and interaction between two applications. Also, we use API for communication between a server and a client. To make this simpler for you to understand, let’s take for example a restaurant. For a restaurant to function properly, it will have tables where visitors can eat-(This will be the frontend application of the restaurant). The restaurant will also need a kitchen that will prepare food-(This will be the backend application of the restaurant). What the restaurant needs now is a waiter who will serve as API to communicate between the table where you sit and the kitchen where food preparation goes on. The waiter will take your order-(in this scenario, the Request ) and deliver it to the kitchen. The kitchen will work on your order(Request) and return the food you order-(in this scenario the Response) to the waiter. Finally, the waiter will take the food(Response) and deliver it to your table.

You will often at times hear REST API when talking about APIs. REST is an acronym for Representational State Transfer. It provides a set of functions like GET, POST, DELETE, etc. to send requests to a sever data using HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol). REST API uses XML or JSON to transfer data. XML and JSON make it easy to read data output when working with APIs.

HTTP Request Methods

An HTTP Request defines a specific action that will happen on a Request-URL. There are many HTTP Request methods, but we will focus on the most commonly used request methods.

The GET request method retrieves data from a specified resource on a server.

GET  /churches       //Get all churches


The POST request method sends data to a server, thereby creating a resource on the server.

POST  /create/church     //Add a church to a list of churches

The PUT request method updates a specific resource that exits on a sever. The PUT request will replace the existing resource entirely and update it with the resource specified in the Request-URL. The PATCH request will replace part of the existing resource and update it with the resource in the Request-URL.

PUT /churches/{id}   //Update a church information identified by "id"

The DELETE request method deletes a specified resource on a server.

PUT /churches/{id}   //Delete a church information identified by "id"

The CONNECT request method creates a two-way communication(a tunnel) with the requested resource on a server.

CONNECT www.churches.com:443 HTTP/1.1   //connect to www.churches.com using port:443 and HTTP version 1.1

The TRACE request method returns an HTTP request to the requesting client. We use the TRACE method when debugging.

TRACE /index.html

HTTP Status Codes

An HTTP status code is a response to a client’s request. When a server receives a client’s request, it responds to the request with a three-digit code. This three-digit code is known as the HTTP STATUS CODE. Status codes have a different range. The first number within a range remains the same. The next two other numbers can be any number. Let’s take a look at the status code range.

Status codes within the 1xx range are Informational. They give updates to the client while the HTTP request is processing.

Status codes within the 2xx range are Success Message. They return a success message after processing the HTTP request.

Status codes within the 3xx range are about redirections.

Status codes within the 4xx range are about client errors. They return an error message after sending the HTTP request to the server.

Status codes within the 5xx range are about to server errors. They return an error message after the HTTP request reaches the server.

Now let’s talk about some of the common status codes within the range mentioned above.

The 100 status code tells the client to continue with the request.

The 200 status code tells the client that the request was successful.

The 201 status code tells the client that the creation of a resource was successful. The 201 status code integrates within the 200 code.

The 204 status code tells the client that the request status fulfilment was successful. The 204 status works after performing an update method.

The 301 status code tells the client that the endpoint requested is in another location. This also allows the change of the HTTP method used for a request.

The 307 status code tells the client that the endpoint requested has a temporary redirect. This does not allow the change of the HTTP method used for a request.

The 308 status code tells the client that the endpoint requested has a permanent redirect. This does not allow the change of the HTTP method used for a request.

The 400 status code tells the client that the server cannot process the request sent without giving a specific reason.

The 401 status code tells the client that the server cannot process the request sent because the credentials submitted to the server is invalid.

The 403 status code tells the client that the server cannot process the request because it is forbidden due to a lack of authorization. Example: When one user tries to access another user’s data.

The 404 status code tells the client that the resource requested does not exist on the server.

The 405 status code tells the client that the HTTP request method is not allowed. Example: Using a POST method when you should use a GET method.

The 422 status code tells the client that the data sent is invalid. Example: summiting an invalid email address when signing up.

The 500 status code is used as a general status code when the server cannot return a particular status code.

The 501 status code tells the client that the server cannot handle the request.

The 504 status code tells the client that the was no response within a given period.

Creating Our Laravel Project

In this tutorial, we will need an API client to create and test our API. For this, we are going to use Postman. Postman is very easy to set up so there is no need to worry. Head over to Postman website and signup if you do not already have an account there. When you are done with that, head over to Postman download and download the Postman desktop application. Install the application and log in to your account. You will need to download the desktop application to test your APIs on your local computer.

Now that we are through installing Postman desktop application, let’s create our Laravel application. We are going to create an API for churches. The API is going to contain a directory of different churches. Some of the details of the churches will be name, address, phone number etc. Open the preferred folder where you want to install the Laravel application and run the command below.

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel churchesapi

After creating our project, we will need to run it on our local computer using the command below.

php artisan serve

Set Up Database And Migration

Next, we will create our database using XAMPP and then connect the database to our Laravel application using the .env file. The database name will be “churchesapi”.

xampp database .png

env connection.png

Let’s create our migration table for the list of churches that will be in our database. In the terminal, run the command below.

php artisan make:migration create_churches_table

In our churches table, we are going to create columns for church name->“church_name”, church address->“address”, church contact email->”email”, image of the church->” image_link”, church contact number->” phone”. So copy the code below and paste it into the “create_churches_table” in the migrations folder.


empty churches table.png

Once we are through adding the columns to the migration table, we can run the command below to migrate all the tables to the database.

php artisan migrate

Creating ChurchesController And Churches Model

We have created our project, set up the database, and run migrations. So now, let’s create our churches controller and model. In our churches controller, we will create three methods. The first method will create and store information about a particular church in our database. The second method will get a list of all the churches we will create. The third method will allow us to search through the list of all the churches we will create. To create the churches controller and model together, we will use the command below.

php artisan make:model Churches -c

Our first method will be a store method. For this method, we will use the validator facade in Laravel to create validation rules for our entries. And if any entry does not meet our validation rules, this method will return a 422 status code along with the validation error message. If the entries meet our validation rules, we will use a variable($churches) to store the church details in our database using the Churches model. This method will return a status code of 201 along with a success message. Import the validator facade use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator; and the Churches Model use App\Models\Churches; at the top of the controller file and paste the method below.

validator facade.png

public function store(Request $request)
    $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
      'image_link' => 'required|url',


    if ($validator->fails()) {
      return response()->json([
        'message'=>'Failed to create church',


    return response()->json([
       'message'=>'Churches created successfully',


The second method will get a list of all the churches stored in our database. Import the database facade use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; at the top of the controller file and paste the code below.

db facade.png

public function churches($id=null){
      $churches = DB::table('churches')->where('id',$id)->get();
    }else {
      $churches = DB::table('churches')->get();

    return $churches;

We will use the third method to search through the list of the churches stored in our database. This method will return all the information about the searched church.

public function searchChurches($id=null){
      $churches = DB::table('churches')->where('church_name',$id)->get();
    }else {
      $churches = DB::table('churches')->get();

    return $churches;

Next, we will open the Churches model file in the Models folder and paste the code below.

protected $fillable = [

churches  model filled.png

Create API Routes

Let’s create our API routes. These routes will contain the endpoints which we will use to send requests through Postman. Our first endpoint will be /churches/create to add a new church to our database. We will use the POST request method here because we want to add new data to our database. The second endpoint will be /churches to get the list of all the churches in our database. And the last endpoint will be /churches/search to search through the list of churches in our database. The second and third endpoints will both use the GET request method because we want to retrieve data from our database. We will go to the api.php file in our route folder. Import the Churchescontroller class use App\Http\Controllers\ChurchesController; and paste the codes below.

Route::post('/churches/create',[ChurchesController::class, 'store']);
Route::get('/churches',[ChurchesController::class, 'churches']);
Route::get('/churches/ search',[ChurchesController::class, 'searchChurches']);

churches controller import.png

churches route.png

Testing Our API With Postman

All that is left for us to do now is to test our API with Postman. Make sure that your Laravel application is running before testing the API.

  • Step 1

Open Postman in your browser and create a new request tab by clicking the + button.

new request tab.png

new request created.png

  • Step 2

The next step is to put in our API route and send a request. Since we are testing our API locally, the main domain will be or whatever yours is locally. Next, We add a /api before our endpoint.

Our first route is First, we will paste the route link and select the post method. In the Headers tab, we create a key to accept JSON.

post route link and header.png

In the Body tab, we will select form-data and fill in the key attributes for our entries. Then we will fill in the value for each attribute.

create request complete.png

We will click the Send button to add a new church to our database. If all the validations are met, our API will return a 200 status code along with a success message and all the information stored in our database.

request sent 1.png

  • Step 3

We test our search API using this route We will use the GET request method since we want to search.

request sent 2.png

  • Step 4

Get the list of all the churches stored in our database using the route. We will use the GET request method only because we will not need to use any key attribute in the form-data at this time. A list of the churches stored in our database will be returned.

request sent 3.png


APIs are a good way to create communication between a server and a client. Data can also be stored and retrieved using APIs. You can give API a try in your next web development project and get to understand more about how APIs work.